1. Carmex. This is a total oldie but goodie, but since I began using it again it has literally transformed my lips. I have chronically chapped lips and as long as I keep up on this stuff I'm good to go. A+.
2. Weekender bags. These are the perfect size, and it seems like they're everywhere. Totally cute and versatile, plus you can pack everything in there and the kitchen sink. This one is definitely on the wishlist.
3. Bowties. Bowties are absolutely so underrated on men, and it says alot if you can pull one off. They're quirky and fun, yet totally put together. Next date night, have your man toss one on :)
4. Bestfitbody.com. This blog by Chi Omega's own Ellen Chapleau is chalk full of healthy recipes, workouts and body tips. I always look forward to checking out her instagrams filled with delicious looking meals...a must see! Check my girl out!
5. Pink lipstick. Pink is surprisingly wearable, and its a nice twist on the tried and true red lip. I haven't done this one myself, but I'll let you know when I do!
5. Pomegranate. I've had pomegranate juice and yogurt, but I've never tackled the actual fruit itself. Once I figured out those little seeds are the things you're supposed to eat, I was hooked! The crunch is great, and they're chalk full of antioxidants. My new go to snack.
6. Headbands of hope. Headbands of hope is an amazing organization I was lucky enough to be involved with last semester. Every headband purchased, one is given to a girl with cancer, and $1 is donated to the Saint Baldricks foundation. I have two of these beauties myself, and they're super cute. Plus what an amazing cause!! Order here :)
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